1 min read

Course Listed in PennInTouch

Hey everyone!

The course is now listed in PennInTouch as CIS193! (specifically, CIS‑193‑201)

The class format consists of an 80 minute lecture once a week in Towne 315 from 10:30am – 12 noon. This lecture will contain all that you need to know for the course, and the lecture slides will be posted before lecture each week. Be sure to attend for the interactive demos and walkthroughs in class.

There is also a shared lecture with all the CIS19X classes, which will be held Wednesdays 6pm-7:30pm in Towne 100. This lecture is covers broad cross-cutting topics such as the terminal, git, and other crucial topics. This lecture only meets a few times in the semester, so make sure to attend!

You must register for both the recitation (which is the actual class time) and the shared lecture, CIS-193-201 and CIS-193-001 respectively, in order to be placed in the course. If you are unable to sign up, we will be having a wait-list signup sheet on the first day of class, January 17.

See you in class soon!

— Adel